According to recent research by Romain Quidant, who was recently awarded the Fresnel Prize 2009 as recognition for the highest level of excellence amongst emerging researchers in the field of photonics, identification and treatment of cancer is possible with gold nanoparticles illuminated with laser light.
It was revealed that the idea was to first introduce gold nanoparticles into the tumor cells and following it with a subsequent application of laser light. It is considered that according to this phenomena discovered by the researcher, the concerned nanoparticles can heat up enough to burn the damage cells.
From News-Medical.Net:
It was revealed that the idea was to first introduce gold nanoparticles into the tumor cells and following it with a subsequent application of laser light. It is considered that according to this phenomena discovered by the researcher, the concerned nanoparticles can heat up enough to burn the damage cells.
From News-Medical.Net:
The interaction between light and gold nanostructures is not only useful for the treatment of cancer but also for its diagnosis. Romain Quidant is working on a chip that is made up of a multitude of metal nanostructures that are able to send a light signal when they come into contact with cancer markers. This "nanolaboratory" performs a vast number of analyses in parallel from a single drop of blood. Each metal nanostructure is coated in molecules (receptors) that are able to recognize and trap a specific cancer marker. When this happens, the nanostructure responds to the external light differently to when no markers are trapped.These findings are considered to offer a new dimensional approach to members of the medical world when it comes to effective cancer treatments.
The team led by Romain Quidant in this research line has already developed a nanosensor prototype designed to detect doping substances in the blood, such as the steroids that some sportspeople use.
The main advantages of this type of device are its small size (which makes it easy to use in developing countries where there are no laboratories, for example), and its great sensitivity, which would make it possible to detect cancer in its early stages of development when there is a low density of markers.
Quidant anticipates that the detector will be ready within the next ten years and that its applications will range from agro-food controls to the detection of hazardous industrial substances.
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