Thursday, 29 July 2010

Physicians could predict cause of hospital readmission among newborns

Physicians can easily prevent complications in context to newborns and relieve worries of parents via genetic testing, according to results of two separate studies conducted at Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics. This form of testing could be effectively used to make predictions in advance as to which all of their newborn patients would be requiring hospital readmission shortly after birth.
The study results are considered to assist physicians to examine which of all their young patients will be responding well or not to therapy involving steroids for treating asthma.
Up to 85 percent of hospital readmissions during the first two weeks of life are due to hyperbilirubinemia, more commonly recognized as jaundice. The condition can be concerning for new parents, and potentially devastating for the infant if not recognized and promptly treated. New research being led by Susan Abdel-Rahman, PharmD, professor of pediatrics at Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics is identifying specific genetic markers that will enhance the ability to predict which newborns are at risk.
"This condition can be very harmful for newborn infants and scary for new parents," said Dr. Abdel-Rahman. "Knowing in advance which babies are likely to experience symptoms can provide reassurance for parents and guidance for clinicians in determining which babies may benefit from more careful monitoring."
The goal of the research is to develop an electronic tool that can be used by clinicians in nurseries nationwide to dramatically improve prediction of risk for hyperbilirubinemia and prevent complications due to late detection. The study will be among the largest of its kind, aiming to enroll 3,500 newborns.
The research was led by Bridgette L. Jones, MD, allergy, asthma and immunology and clinical pharmacology specialist, and Carrie A. Vyhlidal, PhD, research scientist, pediatric clinical pharmacology, at Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics, and a separate study was conducted by researchers at Children's Mercy.

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