The efforts of Mark McGwire to reduce the extent of his decade-long doping program seem to be as inauthentic as his home run records.
McGwire's records are under scrutiny ever since a California steroid dealer handed Mark McGwire a sophisticated array of super-potent anabolic steroid almost twenty years ago.
That's not only the reaction of Jose Canseco, who lashed out at his former Bash Brother on Tuesday during an interview with ESPN 1000 radio in Chicago. It's also the reaction of an FBI informant who was involved in Operation Equine, a long-running investigation that uncovered McGwire's use of hard-core drugs.The needles were thick, the anabolic steroids were potent, and the injections were frequent and furtive. McGwire kept them secret for more than 15 years, and now - like Alex Rodriguez before him - claims not to remember exactly what he took in those "small doses."
The informant of FBI, insisting on anonymity, said the regimen of McGwire was one-half cc of testosterone cypionate every three days; one cc of testosterone enanthate per week; the veterinary steroids Equipoise and Winstrol V, one quarter cc every three days, injected into the buttocks, one in one cheek, one in the other.
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